Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lessons Learned (Part V)

Another lesson I have learned is that when you go into a situation expecting to give, you often receive much more in return. I learn this all over again every time I go to the orphanages. Recently I have received seashell necklaces (made during a delegation with probably the first seashells the kids have ever seen), paintings, drawings, candy, and so much more. This doesn't include the love and the smiles that I receive every time I visit. I learn so much from these children who are willing to love me despite all the hurt and disappointment that they have experienced. It's funny how God often takes a situation where you hope to build into other's lives and ends up blessing you instead.

Well, I think this is the end of my introspective thoughts for the time being. I don't know that my brain can take anymore. It has been a good, yet challenging five years. I am looking forward to continuing my work here.

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