Saturday, May 24, 2008

Healthy - Well Almost

I just got back from my trip to Almaty. I will write more about my medical/travel adventures in the next couple days, but I thought I would just write and let you all know that there is nothing (other than the ulcer thing) wrong with me. Some would argue this ... but we won't go there right now. :)

The doctor looked at my blood tests and did other exams to rule out some options. After all the tests came back negative, he assured me that the tiredness is probably a combination of the medication that I am taking and the fact that my immune system is trying to recover from a major assault. So, he said to keep doing what I am doing and get some rest and let my body heal itself. It is nice to know that the tiredness is not a symptom of some other unknown disease. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

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