Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Lately, we have been asking kids a series of questions that we can send back to their sponsors.  The other day I was extremely encouraged, surprised, and touched by the answer that one 7 year-old girl gave to the question.  She said that when she grew up she wanted to be "Sara Mama."  For those of you that don't know, my name at Saramoldaeva orphanage is "Sara Mama."  How humbling to be told that someone wants to be like you when they grow up. 

I look at my job and I think to myself "why would anyone want a job other than the one I have?"  I get to give gifts to children, cause them to smile, receive great big running and jumping hugs when I see them after having been gone a while, show my love to them (and receive even more), spend money that's not my own to improve their lives, share teaching techniques with the staff that build into their lifes, play soccer at work, praise the children for their abilities or choices, watch them grow up into successful adults, and so many other things.  I look at my job right now and really can't imagine a job that would be more fulfilling. 

I hope that one day this young girl (and the rest of the children I have grown to love) would have a job that they love and in which they are able to give back to others. 


Anonymous said...

And I'd love to be Sara Mama when I grow up! You guys continue to amaze me with all that you give of yourself - I'm thankful that they have you.

Cyndi Keilin
Logan's Mom
One of the many Taraz Cuties who came home to his forever family in 2004.

Catherine said...

Wonderful, Sara. Great post, thanks for sharing.