Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Yesterday I had the joy of surprising someone that I used to work closely with.  She is a mother living in Taraz that has taken in four orphans as if they were her own.  Over the years we have helped her financially and spent time with her children.  I was in the office asking Beth a question when one of the youth department staff in our office mentioned that they were going to Rakhym.  Barb and I had finished our meetings early, so Beth suggested I go along (when she saw my eyes light up at the mention of Rakhym).  I hadn't been expecting to see any of "my kids" until today, so this was a special treat.  

When we arrived at their house Shirinkul Apke (the mom) saw me from the window and came running out of the house without even taking the time to rinse the soap off her hands.  The youth department staff were taking the boys to buy suits and suggested that I could stay and visit with Mom while they were gone.  I had a great visit!  I got to catch up on their lives and catch her up on my life and all her friends in the States.  Today I get to go to one of the orphanages in the morning and to a birthday party at the youth house in the afternoon!  I can't wait!

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