Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Savva Teacher Training

I leave tomorrow to go to Savva Orphanage. I will be there for four days in conjunction with the delegation from the States that will be doing a camp. Ember and I will be providing three days of training to the staff of the orphanage. We are hoping that this will be a time where we can encourage the staff there and get a better understanding for how we can best serve them in the future. I am really excited to be able to spend this time with them. I hope that when we are finished, they will realize that we care for them, not just the children that they work with.

For those of you that were wondering, my health is pretty much back to normal, except for still having to be really careful what I eat. My stomach still hurts on occasion, but nothing like it was hurting before. Also, my energy is back to close to normal, although still not at 100%.

I am really looking forward to these next few days with the staff and children at Savva Orphanage.

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