Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fine Motor Skills

Every week I spend time with a foster family who have over ten children with disabilities.  We play games and do activities.  I have been trying to introduce them to knew things and build their skills.  Usually, I am left alone with five or six children for the hour.  It is a lot of fun, but can be a bit challenging as each child has very distinct needs.  Recently I came up with the crazy idea of taking scissors, glue, construction paper, paper plates, and crayons with me.  We worked together to create faces on our paper plates.  Although it was super crazy and messy, we had a great time.  It was fun to see each child learn new skills.  I was especially impressed at the independence displayed by one young boy who was born with no arms.  By the end of our time, he had mastered cutting, gluing, removing and replacing the lid for the glue, and coloring within the lines.  All of this was done using his feet (and at times his mouth).

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