Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ulan Delegation

Hi everyone!  It's been a really busy week as the Ulan delegation has arrived and prepared for camp.  They have been a joy to be around.  I enjoy the sense of humour that each one has and have been blessed by their servant hearts.  

On June 1st (Children's Day), I had the chance to go to Ulan for the first time since being back.  It was good and hard at the same time.  We came after the concert had started, and due to the hot sun we stood at the back watching.  Many of the children did not notice our entrance.  It was fun to see the heads turn as they realized we were there.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the news spread through the crowd.  One person would turn, then their neighbor would turn, then someone in the row in front of them, until everyone had noticed us.  Since my hair has grown out some since I left, it took people (kids and caregivers alike) a little while to realize who I was.  It has been fun to see the look of friendship and joy when they recognize me and I get to say hello.  These kids (and staff) mean so much to me and it has been fun to see that although I have been gone for two years, I still have a special place in their hearts (as they do mine).  

The hard parts are when staff or children say things like "you have forgotten us" to me related to my having returned to the States.  It is hard to explain why I have been in the States for so long.  It has been touching that many of the kids have asked about my health.  One of the reasons that I needed to remain in the States, at first, was that I needed some time to take care of myself (emotionally, physically, etc).  I have been a little surprised at the concern of some of the kids related to my health.  

Overall, it has been such a blessing to be back.  I still love this country and even more the people here.  I look forward to returning next spring to live.  


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