Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reflections Through Transition

I have done a lot of reflecting over the last several months.  One thing that keeps coming to mind is how blessed I am and how much I enjoy the moment I am currently living in. 

I remember a friend asking me what was holding me back from moving away from Colorado (the year before I moved to Kazakshtan).  As I thought about it the things that I didn't want to leave were my friends and my kids (the ones I taught at the Denver Street School and the ones that I worked with at Riverside).  My friend reminded me that my friends would always be there and God would give me new kids and take care of these kids.  Although I have lost touch with this friend, the words he said have never left me.  They have been a constant reminder through all of the transitions.

One thing that I continue to marvel at is friendships.  I continue to be blessed with great friends.  My new friends do not take the place of my old friends, but each has a unique role.  Each time I get to spend time with an old friend I am reminded of how strong that friendship is even though our interaction is limited by location and the busyness of life. 

When my friend said that God would give me new kids, I kind of feared that in giving me new kids He would take my old kids away or somehow forget them.  It is fun to look back at "my old kids" and then look at all the kids he has given me in each transition of my life.  I moved away from "my kids" in Denver and was afraid that I would loose touch with them.  I have lost touch with some of them, but others have popped back into my life in different ways.  My relationship with them is different, but is still very special.

Before moving to Kazakhstan, I moved to Muncie for a year.  During that year, I had the privilege to work with a group of fifth graders.  Those fifth graders are now seniors in high school.  I had the joy of watching one of them experience Kazakhstan last summer.  I have also enjoyed watching others participate in sports.  Although they were only "my kids" for a year, they will always have a special place in my heart. 

Then I moved to Kazakhstan and was inundated with so many kids that touched my life over the years.  Leaving them was very difficult, but my friend's reminder came back to me.  I am encouraged by the new staff working with Interlink that love these children.  I recently received letters from some of "my kids" and they reminded me of the special place they will always have in my life. 

Upon returning, I should have expected that I would be blessed with yet another group of kids that would impact my life, but somehow I had forgotten to hope.  Some of these kids are the ones that went to Kazakhstan last summer.  Others are kids that I have met through subbing and helping out with a group of youth.  I know that one day, God will move me on from here and I will once again be blessed with another group of "my kids".

Instead of thinking about the next transition, I hold tight to the moment.  I enjoy every second I get to spend with my friends and kids (new and old alike).  I remember the special place that each person has in my life that can never be replaced by another.  I hold on to the hope that I will get to see each one again, no matter how long from now. 

1 comment:

kim said...

Hi! Your stories are great. Please read mine and comment. I am new to this and i sort of want to get my name out there in the "blog" era of today. Thanks a ton!