Friday, September 21, 2012

Always Learning

I figured it was time for a more humorous post.  I've been sick with cold this week and have learned some things through this time.  I am feeling better, but am definitely not yet back to full strength.  I have a wedding to attend tomorrow, so hoping my energy continues to increase.  Hope you enjoy these random things I have learned.  Maybe they can help you one day.  

  • Ben-gay can substitute for Vicks VapoRub
  • One box of tissues is never enough
  • Neosporin helps if your tissues do not have lotion in them
  • Four flights of stairs suddenly seem like the Alps
  • A cold does not prevent you from burning your tongue on hot tea, in other words lack of taste does not equal tongue sensitivity
  • There is an oil you can put in your nose to prevent you from catching your co-workers cold
  • Although my cold comes from sleeping under an airconditioner, the rest of the office has a bug going around
  • Pride and Prejudice and While you were Sleeping never get old
  • It's hard to remember what a fever is on a centigrade thermometer when your mind is half asleep (thankfully never had a temp)
  • Orbit dental candies make good cough drops (I should send some to my hygienist)
  • Watching football always makes a day brighter
  • It's important to remember to plug your phone back in when you wake up

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